Another young life struggling to conform to the image in which it was created. It is another soul which has been won for God and in which he has his throne. The desire must be so intense that you feel as if you must know. You must feel that you can not get along in life without knowing God’s will. You can not be of any service to him without having knowledge of his will. Through Jesus Christ, Christians are made partakers of the divine nature. They receive the imprint of divine character in their souls. Among the different principles in


When God delivered Daniel from the lions, Darius the king said, To make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast forever. We are all creatures of influence. We are being influenced, and we are having an influence. There never was a human life but that had some influence over some other human life. The will of sense—for such it might be called—overpowered that higher will of the soul, and they yielded to the will of sense as aroused by temptation. We who


You will find that, if you attend to every Christian duty, you will often have to go contrary to your feelings. How often the enemy of your soul will, if he can, cast indifferent feelings over you concerning prayer. If we love God with all our hearts, that love will influence another to love him. Never was love lost. The love you have, O child of God, will find its way into some other life sometime, somewhere. You must also have faith. When you ask God to teach you his will, you must believe he will do it, and he will


We are all creatures of influence. We are being influenced, and we are having an influence. There never was a human life but that had some influence over some other human life. If a man is sick and does not know that he is sick, he is in great danger of his life, because he is not at all likely to take the proper care of himself. So the man who is cold and formal but thinks he is spiritual and full of love is not at all likely to do anything for the improvement of his spiritual condition.


Another young life struggling to conform to the image in which it was created. It is another soul which has been won for God and in which he has his throne. How easy it is for him to believe it is God’s will that he should go! At least, it has been so many times with the writer. He has too often obeyed the human desire and disobeyed God. Such disobedience, if such it may be called, is not sin, since the will of God is not known, but it is being led by the impulse of sense and is detrimental


The entire process of development is delightful. Whenever the natural tendency toward growth ceases, the soul is in an abnormal state, and loses relish for the things necessary to growth. The desire must be so intense that you feel as if you must know. You must feel that you can not get along in life without knowing God’s will. You can not be of any service to him without having knowledge of his will. You must also have faith. When you ask God to teach you his will, you must believe he will do it, and he will do it. When